Friday, August 6, 2010

What a week!

It's been a pretty busy couple of weeks! These summer classes are KILLING me! Right now I'm taking an online math class (I started that one in June), a regular math class (a five week summer class) and last week I had a one-week Intro to Education class. Even though that class was over last week, I still had two papers due for it this week. When I say papers, I mean one of them was just 3-5 paragraphs and the other was a 3-page research paper, so they didn't have to be long or anything, but still. And I had a math test on Wednesday in the middle of my papers being due. Next week I have a test on Tuesday and then two finals on Thursday. Then I'm done with summer classes! Whew! I'll get a break for ALMOST a week then fall classes start. I'm excited about fall classes because they actually pertain to my major and they're not just deficiencies I didn't take my first time around.

So my plans for today are to get to everything I didn't get to do this week. I want to get this house clean, pull weeds in the yard, get some homework done and go to the grocery store. We'll see how much of that I actually do get done! My mom is in town keeping Riley since Sunny had to go back to work yesterday (he doesn't start at daycare until Monday) so she's going to come stay with us when Sunny gets home from work today :) Tomorrow I have a baby shower to go to and I have to work a little bit on Sunday, so I guess I should really try to be productive today!

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