Monday, February 20, 2012

Presidents Day Weekend

We've had a busy and fun Presidents Day weekend!

Friday night our cousin Lauren and her husband John came to town to stay with us and go see Wicked! I've wanted to see Wicked for years (we had tickets a few years ago when we lived in Memphis but we ended up moving that weekend instead) so I was extremely excited when I found out it was coming to Birmingham! It was so good!!

Saturday morning we got up and rode with Lauren and John down to the beach for Lee's (and Lauren's) grandfather's 80th birthday party. The party wasn't until Sunday so we just got to hang out with everybody Saturday night. It was a lot of fun :) 

Sunday we had the birthday party at a camp on the lake. Here's a picture I stole from my sister-in-law's facebook:
(I've decided that our next house is gonna have to be on the lake. Lauren and John live on the lake so Sunday morning I got up and enjoyed the view while I worked on a little bit of homework. The view made even homework more enjoyable.)

We got home around 8:30 last night, then today I went to Anniston to pick up our puppies from Lee's mom. She had had them since Wednesday so I was so happy to see them!
Ellie was quick to get back to her normal napping spot--in the closet under Lee's shirts!

I love spending time with our families :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!  We don't really have any plans tonight, too much homework! :( Lee is gonna cook steak so I'm excited about that. It's been SO LONG since I've had a good steak!

Monday, February 13, 2012

10 pound challenge update

10pound challenge header The 10 Pound Challenge: Are you in?

This is the 4th week of the 10-pound challenge and I've lost four pounds, so I feel like I'm on track :)

I haven't done as well with my exercise as I had hoped, but I'm hoping now that I'm in more of a routine with school and everything I'll be able to work it in more.  And I am on my feet all day every day, so that probably helps a little.

I'm planning to step up my diet a little this week and really start counting my calories. The past few weeks I've just been trying to eat more fruit and watch my portions, but this week I'm going to start keeping track of what I'm eating.

I'm happy with the rate I'm losing weight, and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up for the next few weeks!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Little Update

Life has gotten kind of crazy again! I'm going to do a quick update today of everything that's been going on.
  • School has been taking up most of my time lately. I'm still loving my cooperating teacher and 5th graders I'm with for my internship. I was nervous about 5th grade but I adore these kids, and my cooperating teacher is amazing. She's so helpful and fun to work with. I'm in my 10 consecutive days of full-time teaching right now, and it was overwhelming at first but I feel like I'm getting in the swing of it now. My last day in this class will be March 2, then I'll move to a 2nd grade class at the same school.
  • I'm doing pretty well on the ten-pound challenge. I know I haven't updated like I said I would, but I'll update about it tomorrow :) 
  • Last weekend we went to Lee's grandmother's house. She lives in the country so we decided to take the gun and shoot. Lee loves that thing!
me shooting

Lee coaching his mom

Lee shooting

That's pretty much all that's been going on with us lately. I haven't had time to read as much as I'd like :( I FINALLY got Mindy Kaling's book on epub from the library and didn't even have time to finish it before they took it away from me :(  Sad. I was liking it, just didn't have time to read for fun.