Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cleaning Schedule

One of my goals for the summer is to get my house really clean and keep it that way. I'll only be working part-time and taking just one class online, so I think this is something I can and should do.

I think I'll do best if I give myself certain things to work on every day, so the plan is to spend the next few days getting all the rooms really clean [like cleaning out the closets and everything] and then start on a weekly cleaning schedule. Here's what I've come up with so far:

Monday: laundry, bathrooms, office
Tuesday: living room, guest room, vacuum
Wednesday: laundry, iron, grocery store
Thursday: kitchen, dining room [sweep and mop]
Friday: laundry, bedroom, vacuum

I'll change this up if I decide something else might work better, but it's a start. I think doing laundry three times a week should be plenty since there are only two of us, but we'll see.

Some things, like dishes and general straightening up will be done daily as needed. That's the goal, anyway. We'll see how this goes!

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