Sunday, August 19, 2012

80's party

Lee's best friend turned 30 last week, so last weekend we went to a birthday party for him. It was an 80's party!

I had fun dressing up for it. I got to wear a side ponytail, which is something I don't get to do very often! And I got to wear pink tights, so that was fun.

It was a little bit harder trying to decide what Lee was going to wear, so we found a Ferris Bueller t-shirt for him to wear.

It worked out pretty well because his friend dressed up as a version of Ferris :) I wish I had a good picture of him because it was pretty funny!

It was a fun I just have to figure out when I can wear the pink tights again...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The one about losing weight

I went to the doctor for my yearly visit a couple of weeks ago, and when I FINALLY got back to a room [after waiting for an hour] and the doctor came in, he was looking at my chart and this is what he said:
"Your blood pressure's great, your hemoglobin's great, your weight is...okay. I wish you'd lose ten pounds."
I wish I would too, doc!

So now I'm gonna get serious about trying to lose weight. I've tried Weight Watchers, I've tried My Fitness Pal, and while those are great and work for a lot of people, they don't work for me. They work for a little while, but eventually I quit tracking everything. I would eat something that I didn't have the exact points or calories for and I'd get frustrated and then eventually just stop.

I started thinking about it, and the times I've lost the most weight I haven't tracked my food/calories at all. I've just eaten smaller portions, drank lots of water, and exercised almost every day. So that's the plan now. Drinking water isn't a problem. I'm pretty good at that. However, here lately I've been drinking a lot of Diet Coke. I just love it so much. So I'm trying to cut back to just one a day. Working out isn't too bad, I just have to make myself do it. I never regret working out, so that's just what I'll have to remind myself of every day when I'm feeling lazy. The eating smaller portions part is going to be my biggest problem. I can't just give up food that I love, so I'm not going to try. I just catch myself eating even when I'm not hungry because whatever I'm eating just tastes good. I need to remind myself that I can save it and have it again later.

I've also noticed that I tend to eat when I'm bored. I'm not necessarily an emotional eater [even though I had to fight the urge to go buy ice cream when I had a bad day last week...I succeeded though!], I'm a bored eater. If I'm not keeping myself busy I find myself thinking about eating. So I'm just going to have to find something to keep me busy during those times.

So that's the plan for now. Nothing major, just some small changes that have worked in the past. We'll see how it goes!

Monday, August 13, 2012

It's me again

Geeze, I'm awful at blogging. It's honestly just not been that great of a summer for me. I haven't been able to find a teaching job so I've been seriously bummed about that. I would be a really good teacher, but nobody will give me a chance. It's just a terrible feeling because I quit a good job to go back to school to be a teacher, and now I can't get a job. Then I see girls I went to school with complaining about having to get up early to go to training, and I want to tell them that some of us would LOVE to be getting up early to go to training. I know it's all in God's timing and I'm trying to keep the faith, it's just really hard.

Anyway, enough complaining and feeling sorry for myself. The good news is that after a rough summer of his own, Lee now officially has his MBA! His spring semester was really rough, then he had less than a week after that semester ended before he started his summer classes. He went to class every night this summer until about 10, on top of working 50+ hours a week, and still managed to make A's in all his classes. That boy is smart! I'm so proud of him!

Now we're just looking forward to football season! The weather here was a little cooler the past few days and that made me so ready for fall! I think I'm gonna get my fall decorations out sometime this it too soon for that? I mean, it is the middle of August! Maybe I'll wait...